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Kid Unisex Cuban Shirt (Mandai Wildlife Reserve - Light)

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Features & Measurements

- Collared
- Button down front
- Side slits
- Drop shoulders with short sleeves
- Shoulder yoke and a Back box pleat
- Dipped Back hem
- Finishings (Double rolled hem; French seam finishing for the rest)

Also available in Adult sizes.








FRONT LENGTH (1cm under Shoulder Seam to Hem)

BACK LENGTH (High Point Shoulder to Hem)

XXS/ 2








XS/ 4








S/ 6








M/ 8








L/ 10








XL/ 12








1st picture: TofuTan is 110cm, wearing M/8.
2nd picture: MiloGMT is 130cm, wearing XL/12.
3rd picture: Lily is 100cm, wearing S/6.
4th picture (from left): Darren is 180cm, wearing Adult L; Jiamin is 160cm, wearing Adult XS; Lucy (Baby) is 70cm, wearing Kid XXS/2; Lily (Girl) is 100cm, wearing Kid S/6.

The Story

Introducing our luxuriously soft Oeko-Tex Linen Unisex Cuban Shirt for the little trendsetters in your life. This collared shirt, crafted in collaboration with Mandai Wildlife Reserves, brings a touch of adventure to everyday wear. The button down front adds a classic touch, while drop shoulders with short sleeves ensure all day comfort for your active little ones. With side slits and a dipped back hem, this shirt is as versatile as their boundless energy. The thoughtful shoulder yoke and back box pleat provide extra room for play and movement.

Message from Afton, founder and designer of Reckless Ericka:

It is a dream come true for us to collaborate with Mandai Wildlife Reserve because we are at the Mandai Wildlife Reserve parks almost every week since my son was 6 months old!
My son grew up loving the animals and the beautiful Mandai Wildlife Reserve parks, and because I am biased, I have selected his favourite animals to be featured on the designs. We have 5 different prints inspired by the different parks and the heart behind the designs is to capture the childlike wonder for the parks. My son always points out details that we miss out or don’t focus on. And it is a reminder to myself to never lose this sense of wonder.

We are also deeply committed to sustainability.
Our unisex adult and kids Cuban shirts and scarves are crafted from OEKO-TEX® STANDARD 100 Linen and our unisex adult and children tees are made from SUPIMA Cotton. Every thread, button and other accessories, has been tested for harmful substances and that the garment therefore is harmless for human health. Major plus point, they feel luxurious and are really comfortable.

Beyond the materials, we’ve partnered with factories with ethical practices audited by the International Standards Organization (ISO), just as we do with our regular collections.

The Print

Mandai Wildlife Reserve” Print features 48 animals —

African White Lion (Night Safari)

White lions are leucistic, not albino - they are not totally devoid of pigmentation. Instead of the red eyes seen in albinos, they have blue or yellow eyes. They also sport black nose tips and dark patches behind their ears. Due to an uncommon gene mutation, their light tawny or off-white coat is a few shades lighter than that of the common lion. They were heavily sought after by circuses and hunted as trophies and became technically extinct in the wild in the early 1990s.

American Flamingo (Bird Paradise)

This species has the most vibrant plumage of all flamingo species. Flamingos, regardless of species, get their distinct pink or red colour from the algae and shrimp they eat. In Bird Paradise, their flamingos are given a special diet to stay in the pink.   

Asian Elephant (Singapore Zoo)

Females form herds of related cows and their calves, led by a matriarch, which is usually the eldest. Bull elephants may join a herd short-term to mate. All the elephants at the Mandai Wildlife Reserve are females. Mandai Wildlife Reserve provides key support for the mitigation of human-elephant conflicts (HEC) in Way Kambas National Park, Indonesia. To mitigate HEC, Elephant Response Units (ERUs) of trained elephants and their mahouts form forest patrols, herding wild elephants away from farmland and back to the protected areas.

Billy Goat (Singapore Zoo)

Billy goats are mature male goats. Domesticated goats, including billy goats, are not endangered. They are versatile livestock animals kept for meat, milk, and fiber.

Black Widow (Singapore Zoo)

The black widow is a venomous spider known for its distinctive red hourglass marking. While not endangered, black widows are widespread, and certain species can be found in diverse habitats.

Bull Finch (Bird Paradise)

Bullfinches, small passerine birds, are not considered endangered. They are known for their distinctive plumage and are found in various habitats across the Northern Hemisphere.

Cape Buffalo (Night Safari)

The Cape Buffalo is a large African bovine known for their distinctive horns. Their populations are generally stable, but they face threats from habitat loss and diseases like bovine tuberculosis.

Capybara (River Wonders)

Capybaras, the largest rodents, are native to South America. While not listed as endangered, they face localized threats from habitat loss and hunting.

Chick (Singapore Zoo)

Chicks, or young chickens, are not endangered. Domesticated chickens are widely distributed and raised for their eggs and meat.

Chinese Softshell Turtle (River Wonders)

Chinese softshell turtles are freshwater turtles found in Asia. Some species face conservation concerns due to habitat destruction and overharvesting for the pet trade and traditional medicine. They may be listed as vulnerable or endangered.

Degu (Singapore Zoo)

Degus, small rodents native to Chile, are not currently listed as endangered. However, their populations in the wild may face threats due to habitat destruction and the exotic pet trade.

Duck (Singapore Zoo)

Ducks, like ducklings, are not endangered. They are versatile waterfowl found in various habitats worldwide, from freshwater lakes to coastal areas.

Duckling (Singapore Zoo)

Ducklings are young ducks. Ducks, in general, are not endangered. Various duck species inhabit a range of environments, but none are currently classified as endangered.

Eastern Grey Kangaroo (Singapore Zoo)

Kangaroos are one of the few medium-large animals that hop to get around. Their long tail acts as a counterbalance when they hop and works as a supportive fifth limb when they’re standing. One of the largest kangaroo species, the Eastern Grey Kangaroo swims well and evades predators, like dingoes, by diving. When cornered, it may turn the tables to hold the predators underwater and drown them.   

Estuarine Crocodile (Singapore Zoo)

These awe-inspiring reptiles are often seen at Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve and have been recorded in estuaries and reservoirs including the Singapore River, Kallang River, Sungei Seletar and Kranji Reservoir, and even Pulau Tekong. They are usually found in the water or at the mudflats. Singapore’s National Parks Board (NParks) posts warning signs at their usual haunts. If you come across one in the wild, admire it from a respectful distance. Stay on the designated path and do not get into the water. If it is on the path, stay calm and back away slowly. Do not approach, disturb or feed it. Like other wild animals, crocodiles will not harm humans unprovoked.

Falabella (Singapore Zoo)

The Falabella is a miniature horse breed. While not endangered, their small size and adaptability make them popular as companion animals.

Fennec Fox (Night Safari)

Fennec Foxes are small desert foxes native to North Africa. They are not currently listed as endangered. However, their populations may be impacted by habitat degradation and the exotic pet trade.

Giant Panda (River Wonders)

Humans destroy, but humans can also choose to protect. Concerted conservation efforts have lifted the panda’s status from endangered to vulnerable. Having the pandas under human care contributes to valuable knowledge of the species, which can then be put to good use in conservation initiatives in the wild.

Giraffe (Singapore Zoo)

Besides habitat loss and change due to expanding agricultural and mining activities, giraffes in the wild are threatened by increased human-wildlife conflict, illegal hunting, and civil unrest. A dramatic 40% decline has been recorded over 20 years, hence its up-listing from Least Concern to Vulnerable.

Green Anaconda (River Wonders)

The anaconda is known as the world’s heaviest snake based on its length-to-weight ratio. The biggest on record was 227 kg – the weight of three adult men! With a diameter of 30cm – an average person’s waistline – it has the greatest girth in proportion to length of any snake. This heavy-duty snake may be slow on land but it can move swiftly in water. It prefers to be in or near water, spending a large part of its time in the still waters that help hide and support its huge body. The hot, humid South American lowlands that make up its habitat offer excellent cover for this large snake. Females are typically much larger than males.

Grevy’s Zebra (Singapore Zoo)

Threatened by hunting and habitat destruction, there are only around 3,000 Grevy’s zebras left in the wild. Mandai Wildlife Reserve’s zebras are managed under the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA) Endangered Species Programme (EEP), which involves coordinated breeding efforts by participating zoos. Transfer of individuals between these zoos is based on genetic compatibility. The zoo hopes to eventually breed their zebras and contribute to the continued survival of the species.

Hen (Singapore Zoo)

Hens are domesticated birds known for laying eggs and providing poultry meat. They are often kept for their eggs, meat, and pest control abilities. Hens are not listed as endangered, and their domesticated status contributes to their widespread population.

Jaguar (River Wonders)

The Jaguar, is a large feline species native to the Americas, known for its robust build and distinctive golden-yellow coat adorned with black rosettes and spots. Jaguars are listed as "Near Threatened" on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List. While they are not classified as endangered, jaguar populations face ongoing threats such as habitat loss, poaching, and conflicts with humans. Conservation efforts are crucial to ensuring the survival of these magnificent big cats and maintaining their ecological roles in their natural habitats.

Lesser Flamingo (Singapore Zoo)

Out of six flamingo species, the lesser flamingo is the smallest and most numerous with around three million individuals. They live in large flocks of hundreds to thousands of birds to reduce predation risk. Extensive movements involving huge flocks occur when the living conditions become unsuitable. Lesser flamingos fly in a V formation, travelling several hundred kilometres overnight to look for suitable feeding or breeding grounds. One satellite-tracked individual flew 525km overnight from Mauritania to Guinea Bissau!   

Lion (Singapore Zoo)

Lions live in social groups known as prides, made up of one or more mature males, several closely-related females and their young. Males roar and spray urine to advertise their territory to rivals. Females work in teams to take down prey, encircling the prey and blocking escape routes. The lionesses do most of the hunting but the dominant male gets the lion’s share. Only after he’s had his fill do the females have their turn. The young can only pick at the remains.

Malayan Flying Fox (Singapore Zoo)

Flying foxes are threatened by over-hunting and deforestation. They are hunted as exotic meat and also consumed as a traditional cure for asthma. Previously, it was thought that flying foxes eat up the flowers of the durian tree and many orchard owners set up nets to trap them. Studies using camera traps have confirmed that these bats are probably the most effective pollinators for durian trees. Pollen sticks to their fur as they feed on the nectar, and is transferred when they move off to feed on the flowers of another tree. If flying foxes were to go extinct one day, so might durians. That alone is reason enough to conserve them.

Malayan Tapir (Night Safari)

The Malayan tapir has a dramatic coat pattern, often referred to as the "saddle" pattern because of its position and shape. The front half of their body and hind legs are black, while the sides are white. This breaks up its outline and creates an illusive vision of a boulder. Many rainforest animals are threatened by deforestation, habitat degradation, and the illegal wildlife trade. You, too, can do your part to protect animals like the Malayan Tapir by making a conscious choice as a consumer to only buy forest-friendly products.

Malayan Tiger (Singapore Zoo)

Tigers are at the apex of the food chain. These solitary hunters can handle animal prey up to a ton in weight. A healthy adult has the strength of 30 men! Sadly, man has turned the tables on them. Mercilessly poached to satisfy the insatiable demand for tiger parts, wild tigers are being hunted to extinction. In 2012 alone, tiger parts from at least 22 tigers were seized in Kedah. NGOs continue to report snares and illegal camp sites, even in protected areas. The Malayan tiger used to roam the forests of Singapore in bygone era. When their habitats were converted to plantations around 1825, human-tiger encounters escalated. In 1850, tigers were reported to be claiming human lives daily – improbable given the low tiger numbers to start with. Seen as vermin, tigers were shot on sight. Shooters were rewarded with money. By the 1870s, tigers were all but gone. The last tiger in Singapore was shot in 1930 in Choa Chu Kang.

Manatee (River Wonders)

Manatees spend 6-8 hours a day feeding on submerged and floating aquatic vegetation, which contain large amounts of roughage. River Wonders’ manatees chomp on similarly high-fibre and low-calorie Chinese cabbage, banana leaves and elephant grass. They are known as sea cows because they spend half of the day grazing on sea grass and aquatic plants. A manatee's daily food intake is typically 4-7% of its body weight. A 500kg manatee would eat 20-35kg of food in a day. Whenever a baby is born, River Wonders’ aquarists keep a close watch for 48 hours to ensure it is suckling well. Sadly, scientists are seeing more orphaned calves in the wild. Separated from their mothers by human disturbance, these calves have been found stranded on coasts and left to fend for themselves.

Ostrich(Singapore Zoo)

Ostriches, known for their flightlessness and fast running speeds, are not endangered. They are widespread in Africa and are commonly farmed for their meat, feathers, and leather.

Palm Cockatoo (Bird Paradise)

The palm cockatoo is the world’s largest cockatoo. Its distinctive cheek patch of bare skin flushes from pink to bright red when the bird is alarmed or excited. This attention seeker produces a variety of whistles, screeches and feet stomping. A male dance to attract a female. He erects his crests, bobs his head, spins around and raises his wings. An interested female will mirror his moves.

Parakeet (Bird Paradise)

Parakeets, or budgerigars, are small parrots known for their vibrant colours. While some species may face threats in the wild due to habitat loss, many are commonly kept as pets.

Pelican (Singapore Zoo)

Pelicans are large water birds known for their distinctive bills. While there are different species of pelicans, many are not considered endangered. However, local threats such as habitat destruction and pollution can impact specific populations.

Pygmy Goat (Singapore Zoo)

Pygmy goats, smaller versions of domestic goats, are not endangered. They are often kept as pets or for milk production. Their adaptability and use in various climates contribute to their widespread presence.

Pygmy Hippo (Singapore Zoo)

To maintain a healthy population of pygmy hippos under human care, there is a need to enhance and diversify their gene pool, so as to ensure healthy and viable offspring are produced. To date, Mandai Wildlife Reserve has sent more than 24 pygmy hippos to zoos around the world to participate in global breeding programmes.

Rabbit (Singapore Zoo)

Rabbits make wonderful pets. They can be trained to respond to commands and to use a litter box. However, being prey animals, they are easily startled and should be handled gently. Rabbits are known for their ability to breed. A female can have around six litters every year, averaging five to six young per litter. Rabbits should never be obtained on impulse nor should they be given as gifts. Adopting a rabbit is always a wiser and kinder choice over buying or breeding. But, think hard before you take that cute bunny home. Rabbits can live up to 12 years and having one as a pet means having to care for it over that length of time.

Raccoon Dog (Night Safari)

Raccoon dogs are canids native to East Asia, resembling raccoons. Habitat loss and hunting pose threats to raccoon dogs. Conservation efforts are in place to monitor and protect their populations.

Ring-tailed Lemur (Singapore Zoo)

In the wild, Ring-tail Lemurs live in matriarchal social groups of up to 30 individuals. Females stay with their troop their whole lives. Hierarchy is typically established in their youth through play-fighting. Males are completely dominated by the females - even the lowliest female is superior to the highest-ranked male. Many rainforest animals are threatened by deforestation, habitat degradation, and the illegal wildlife trade. You, too, can do your part to protect animals like the Ring-tailed Lemur by making a conscious choice as a consumer to only buy forest-friendly products.

Rooster (Singapore Zoo)

Roosters, male chickens, play a role in poultry farming for breeding and meat. Domesticated roosters are not endangered, but some wild species of junglefowl, their ancestors, are threatened due to habitat loss.

Shingleback Skink (Singapore Zoo)

Shingleback skinks are lizard species found in Australia. While not generally considered endangered, habitat loss and changes in their environment can impact local populations.

Southern Cassowary (Bird Paradise)

The Southern Cassowary is the third biggest bird after the Ostrich and Emu. Compared to the single wattled Northern Cassowary, it is slightly larger and has two wattles, which hang loosely from its neck.  Like the Northern Cassowary, this flightless fowl can become aggressive when cornered or provoked. It defends itself with dagger-like claws deployed in a formidable kick. Cassowaries have the unfortunate reputation of being the most dangerous bird alive, known to harm or even kill humans. However, this reputation is likely exaggerated as cassowaries are not overly aggressive, and attacks are rare. 

Spotted Hyena (Night Safari)

They look like large dogs, but are more closely related to cats like lions and tigers. Their powerful jaws give them the strongest bite of any mammal. Though commonly regarded as scavengers, they are strong hunters, especially when in a large group. Inspiring fear and also reverence in the eyes of humans, spotted hyaenas feature prominently in the culture of many African people. The Maasai of Kenya and Tanzania leave their dead out to be consumed by the spotted hyaenas.

Stork (Bird Paradise)

Storks are large, long-legged wading birds. While specific species may face threats, storks, in general, are not endangered. They are adaptable and found in a variety of wetland habitats.

Sulphur-crested Cockatoo (Bird Paradise)

Jurong Bird Park was an aviary and tourist attraction in Jurong, Singapore between 1971 and 2023. It has since been relocated and replaced with Bird Paradise on 8 May 2023. Big John, a Sulphur-crested Cockatoo, was Jurong Bird Park’s mascot for more than a decade from 1985. Now in his 50s, Big John has retired.

Tasmanian Devil (Night Safari)

The Tasmanian devil has held the title of being the world’s largest carnivorous Marsupial for over 80 years. Prior to 1936, the largest carnivorous marsupial in the world was the thylacline, commonly known as the Tasmanian tiger. The thylacline is a distant relative of the Tasmanian devil and was over twice its size! Tasmanian devils are severely threatened by a contagious cancer called devil facial tumour disease (DFTD).  Since the disease was discovered in 1996, the population of the devils has declined by 80%. The cancer is spread when they bite each other, as they do during both mating and fighting. The facial tumours that grow prevent the Tasmanian devils from eating.

Toco Toucan (Bird Paradise)

Toco Toucans, with their vibrant and large bills, are native to South America. They are not currently listed as endangered. While deforestation is a concern, these birds are adaptable and can inhabit various types of forests.

Two-Toed Sloths (Singapore Zoo)

The Amazon rainforest is the only place in the world where the two-toed sloths are found in the wild. Its destruction means the sloths and other animals of the forest will be impacted. Several organisations are currently working to keep tracts of rainforest safe from logging and other human activities. Fortunately, two-toed sloths live in a number of these protected areas. You, too, can do your part to protect animals like the sloth by making a conscious choice as a consumer to only buy forest-friendly products.

White Rhino (Singapore Zoo)

There are two subspecies of the white rhino - the northern and the southern. The population of the northern was stable up to the late 1990s. In less than a decade, they have been wiped out by rampant poaching. The southern was also once on the brink of extinction. By the end of the 19th century, there were just 20-50 left. Conservation efforts grew numbers in the wild to 20,000 by 2010. But illegal poaching, too, is on the rise. By 2017, these numbers have declined to 18,000. The ‘hornest’ truth is: you buy, they die. Let’s stamp out the rhino horn trade together. last few in a Czech zoo were sent to Kenya. They are the northern’s last hope.


85% Viscose, 15% Oeko-Tex Linen

Washing Instructions

How to Wash and Care for Linen:

• Linen garments require less frequent washing. If not washing after wear, hang up to ventilate.

• Avoid hand washing or soaking, as it weakens fibres. Use a laundry bag for machine washing at 30°C with low spin.

• Do not bleach.

• Air dry linen garments. Avoid tumble drying to prevent shrinkage or fibre damage. Iron on low heat.

• Linen can crease easily. Hang in the bathroom during a hot shower to use steam for reducing creases.

• Avoid leaning or sitting on rough surfaces to prevent friction and snagging for linen garments.

• Professional cleaning is possible.

