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Explore our Moodboard and discover our Designer's process behind Hope.
In a world often shrouded in uncertainty, there exists a beacon of unwavering light – hope.
It's not just a word; it's an essence that resonates deeply within the soul. Drawing inspiration from the very essence of hope, our fashion collection embarks on a poetic journey through resilience and optimism.

[Read more about the collection below.]

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Echoing the sentiments of Emily Dickinson's timeless poem, "Hope" is the thing with feathers, our collection takes flight, symbolizing the indomitable spirit that perseveres through life's storms. Like the bird that sings its tune without words, our garments speak volumes through their distinctive prints – a reminiscent of Neoclassical artistry juxtapose with vibrant stripes varying in thickness, creating a visual symphony that celebrates the beauty of contrast and diversity. 


Drawing from the cinematic mastery of Park Chan Wook's "Decision to Leave," each garment is a canvas, where we explore the delicate balance between obscurity and clarity in our pursue at creating silhouettes that enhances bold femininity. Inspired by the artistry of Christian Hidaka and Hideaki Kawashima, our collection infuses elements of whimsy and surrealism. Using the colour palette of Studio Ghibli's "Whispers of the Heart", our garments resonate with the dreams and aspirations of a generation. 


Our hope is for the garments to be worn not just as clothing, but as symbols of hope and empowerment. That it will be a reminder that hope is not a fleeting fantasy, but a force that resides within us. 

